In Memoriam

Sheila Anderson
April 15, 1944 - June 17, 2024
Sheila served as Club President from 2003-2005. She chaired and served on many committees during her many years as a member. She was active at the COA, particularly in the Wise Old Women (WOW) group, and also served on the Board of the Friends of Brewster Elders.

Pat McLeod
September 11, 1930 - November 6, 2023
An active member for many years, Pat loved to garden at her family home and was known for planting gardens for her friends. She taught kindergarten and first grade for many years and then volunteered in the Brewster schools after she retired.

Bill Cannon
July 29, 1934 - November 9, 2023
Known as "The Hollyman", Bill was an honorary member of the Club for many years. As a master gardener and lifetime member and past President of the Holly Society, he was always happy to give tours of the holly farm behind his family home on Main Street. He was generous with his time and provided one of his famous holly wreaths to our annual Holiday Wreath and Swag Sales. He often came to meetings to share gardenias from his greenhouse with our members.

Joan McCormick
- May 16, 2023
Joan's smiling face and friendly greeting accompanied her to all Club meetings. She co-chaired the Horticultural Committee for many years, providing horticultural tips at Club meetings and for the website. She organized spring tours of local gardens, and led the efforts to identify a property along a major road for the Club's annual Beautification Award.

Barbara Kavoogian
- January 6, 2023
Barbara was a past member of the Club for many years. She served as a chair
for the Luncheon Committee and Holiday Decorations committee. When email notification began she took care of any phone contact for Club
Jill Staniar
- May 3, 2023
Jill came to the Club after being a member of the Sudbury (MA) Garden Club for many years. She was an active member of several committees, notably serving as Chair of Remembrance for the past seven years. She faithfully visited, wrote notes and sent cards to members who were ill or experiencing a family loss. She could also be seen maintaining gardens on one of the town traffic islands or walking the Brewster flats near her home.

Karen Matthews
September 4, 1948 - June 11, 2022
Karen was known for her beautiful gardens and window box design. She thoroughly enjoyed the monthly meetings and recruited many current members to the Club. An avid cook, she was a welcome member of the Hospitality and Luncheon Committees. She was also involved in the Nauset Newcomers club, loved to travel and getting to know people.

Julie Deloye
June 28, 1941 - January 26, 2022
An active and committed member since 2008, Julie chaired or participated on almost every Club committee, including Civic, Hospitality, Publicity, Library Christmas Tree, Plant Sale, and Member Events. To raise funds, she proposed and organized several yard sales and started the Club's annual Thanksgiving Pie Sale. Her artistic talents were displayed for many years on the hand painted slate signs placed in the Club's gardens on traffic islands and elsewhere. Julie was also very active in the Friends of Brewster Elders, especially in their Sea Captain's Thrift Store, and was a member of the Hospital Auxiliary, Orleans Branch.

Mary Biondi
February 19, 1928 - November 13, 2019
A friend to so many, Mary was known for her community involvement. Mary had many diverse interests but especially enjoyed gardening and being outside in nature. As a Garden Club member, she faithfully tended the historic Brewster trough for many years.

Liz Hardy
August 20, 1929 – November 15, 2019
A graduate of the Massachusetts College of Art, Liz was a member of the Orleans Art Association, Nauset Painters, and The Eastwind Gallery, which she helped to found. She created the many pen and ink drawings included in the member yearbooks.

Ursula Gainty
September 23, 1934 - January 9, 2020
Ursula was an avid gardener and active Garden Club member. She also volunteered with the Lower Cape Outreach Council for 20 years following her retirement from elementary education.

Jane Kowalski
1936 - August 8, 2021
Jane served as Garden Club President in 2005-2007. She was a Master Gardener and also served as President of the Master Gardener Association of Cape Cod. She volunteered at the Brewster Ladies Library, participated in the Discovery Club, and the Nauset Newcomers.

Ivy Kinscherf
March 24, 1934 - November 7, 2021
Ivy was an active member for many years, serving on the Scholarship, Conservation, and Horticulture Committees. She had recently resigned from the club to re-locate to Connecticut.