Pollinator Tip of the Month
Leaf litter is beneficial for lawns and gardens. Either leave or shred them with a lawn mower. Other good winter mulches include compost, straw, aged manure, or salt hay.
Leave the roots of annual and vegetable plants in the ground. Roots are part of the living soil and are connected to mycorrhizal webs that distribute minerals and nutrients to plants.
Save the stems of hollow stemmed plants such as milkweed and sunflowers that serve as winter homes for many beneficial insects.
If you have space, a pile of branches, old logs or even stones will help to create habitat for pollinators and other nesting creatures.
Take care with garden debris. Do not dispose of aggressive invasives like bittersweet, garlic mustard or Japanese knotweed in your own compost pile or in the town mulch piles.
Our Mission
The mission of the Club shall be to collaborate with other community organizations to:​
Stimulate the love for, and knowledge of, gardening
Promote the protection of natural resources, including plants and wildlife, and foster respect for the ecology of our environment
Beautify the roadsides and other public places in Brewster.